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Why Development Chassis are Critical to Implementing Systems Aligned to SOSA

Looking back we can now see a shift in how development platforms are designed and how they are used by our integrator customer base. That shift is making it easier and less expensive to perform the development stages of a deployable system project and put solutions into the hands of the warfighter faster than ever before. Development hardware can also be shared between projects, or inherited by subsequent projects. This saves not only on lab budget, but the time to order and receive all new hardware for a new development project.

Partners Corner: What is Edge AI Enabling in Industrial Computing Applications?

Similar to how cloud computing evolved over the last decade to the de facto way of storing and managing data, Edge AI is taking off. Edge AI is one of the most notable trends in artificial intelligence, as it allows people to run AI processes without having to be concerned about security or slowdowns due to data transmission. And its impact is notable in industrial embedded computing, since it allows platforms to react quickly to inputs without access to the cloud. We asked some Edge AI partners: If analytics can be performed in the cloud, what is the benefit of an Edge AI approach, especially as it’s related to industrial embedded computing?

Membership in the NVIDIA® Partner Network

We are taking AI Computing to the next level! Find out how our membership in the NVIDIA® Partner Network complements the designs of our rugged computing systems to deliver enhanced deployable systems specifically designed to operate in harsh environments.

合作伙伴专区:CompactPCI 系列全新面貌

CompactPCI Serial凭借其模块化、可扩展性和成本效益,在坚固耐用的嵌入式行业中取得了显著成功。它是一种模块化的开放标准,在可以承受最严苛环境要求的应用中具有很大的应用机会。毕竟,它被广泛应用于铁路和运输行业。在这篇博客中,我们向几位CompactPCI Serial社区成员问了这个问题:工程师在评估CompactPCI Serial作为潜在的系统架构时应该了解哪些方面?

Partner’s Corner: Flow Down - Redefining Partnership in Today’s Military Embedded Systems

System integration challenges have changed over the past few years, with new demands being put on manufacturers for integration, troubleshooting and system upgrades. This blog explores how Elma and its partners Interface Concept, Concurrent Technologies and EIZO Rugged Solutions define what partnering means within our ecosystem when working together.

PCIe 与以太网:真的是这个或那个的选择吗?

最近关于所谓的 “Fabric Wards” 的讨论引发了关于PCIe和以太网优点的讨论,尤其是在使用开放标准外形规格(例如VPX、SOSA和CompactPCI Serial)的应用中。

Applying the Computing Power of AI to Demanding Industrial Environments

Rugged platforms for demanding applications have historically been constrained by the limited operational temperature ranges of high-performance processors and other key system components. These applications often operate in challenging temperatures, and high-performance processors aren’t generally offered with these operational temperature ranges. Until now.





Upgrades and Enhancements for Legacy VME and CPCI Ethernet Switches

In the past few years, several end-of-life (EOL) announcements in the embedded computing market have both caused angst and opportunity. Making the shift away from a tried-and-true solution always brings with it the need to review not only the mechanical elements of an embedded system, but the integration and networking elements as well. And when that review is forced upon a designer, as in the case of an EOL announcement, it may mean forced choices of not-as-optimum alternatives. Or it could be something different altogether.

人工智能 (AI) 推动智能嵌入式计算的新时代


你没听错!MR50 和声音技术很酷的音响系统

毫无疑问,Sound Techniques 会在他们的音板上使用谁的开关。

四十年过去了——VME 还能竞争吗?

VME 已庆祝成立四十周年,至今仍拥有庞大的安装基础

如何将人工智能应用于符合 SOSA 的嵌入式计算系统设计





如果组件无法 “控制”,“控制面板” 上的旋钮或开关有什么用?



OpenVPX 帮助构建可互操作的军事系统

MOSA 的目标——提高系统功能、兼容性和成本——以政府与行业之间的紧密合作为前提。

OpenVPX 建立永久的地球与国际空间站通信

ATR 对高水平的冲击和振动具有特殊的抵抗力,因此不会像其他外壳那样弯曲,使其成为在国际空间站上使用的理想选择。

机箱管理如何改进 OpenVPX 系统开发




面对 SOSA,连接性正在发生怎样的变化

以太网已成为指定用于符合SOSA™ 的系统的主要网络技术。





MOSA 探讨国防模块化系统趋势






新的散热管理标准改进了 OpenVPX

新的散热管理标准改善了 OpenVPX 系统的散热

OpenVPX 系统中发热量增加的因素


