Elma Reports

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Interim Report 2024

Elma starts successfully into 2024 and increases net sales and profitability considerably

The Elma Group had a successful start into 2024. In the first half of 2024, Elma recorded net sales on record level and also significantly increased profitability. Thanks to a further easing in the supply chain situation and the optimization of production processes, Elma was able to significantly improve their delivery performance to customers. Order income decreased slightly in all regions but was still at a solid level. Inventories were reduced in the first half of 2024 year on year. The number of employees remained unchanged compared to the end of 2023.

One of Elma Group’s mid-term goals is to build a new headquarters at the Wetzikon site in Switzerland. This will further expand system integration and electronic design in Switzerland. The construction planning has progressed as planned and the project is now taking concrete shape. In order to position the Elma Group for the future, sustainability is one of the strategic pillars and is anchored in the organization. In the annual sustainability report, Elma will provide information about their sustainability performance in the areas of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG).

  • Elma continues to grow
  • Net sales increased by 15.5% to CHF 91.8 mn (previous year: CHF 79.5 mn); adjusted for currency effects +17.6%
  • Order income in the first half of the year down 6.0% at CHF 91.6 mn (previous year: CHF 97.4 mn); adjusted for currency effects -4.3%
  • EBIT improved to CHF 6.0 mn (previous year: CHF 0.7 mn) thanks to higher deliveries in the systems business in all three regions
  • Profit increased to CHF 4.5 mn (previous year: CHF 0.6 mn)
  • Net debts reduced to CHF 11.0 mn (previous year: CHF 14.0 mn) thanks to higher cash and repayment of short-term bank liabilities
  • Equity ratio improved to 51.0% (December 31, 2023: 48.6%)
Interim Report 2024 (PDF, German only)

Annual Report 2023

Elma continuing on growth path

The Elma Group continued its transformation process in 2023 and increased both order income by 5.5% and net sales by 8.1% compared with the previous year. The company’s profit improved from CHF 4.2 million in the previous year to CHF 5.0 million in 2023. The Board of Directors will propose to the 2024 Annual General Meeting an unchanged dividend payment of CHF 2.00 per share.

  • Order income increased by 5.5% to CHF 177.0 million (previous year: CHF 167.8 million), adjusted for currency effects +10.8%
  • Net sales improved by 8.1% to CHF 167.1 million (previous year: CHF 154.7 million), adjusted for currency effects: +13.3%
  • All regions contributed to the sales growth
  • EBIT increased to CHF 6.7 million (previous year: 4.6 million) due to higher output in Europe in the systems business and a significantly improved second half of the year in the USA
  • Profit improved to CHF 5.0 million (previous year: CHF 4.2 million) despite substantially higher tax charges
  • Net debts increased by CHF 3.4 million to CHF 14.0 million due to higher inventories to ensure delivery capability (previous year: CHF 10.6 million)
  • Lower equity ratio of 48.6% (December 31, 2022: 51.7%) driven by high currency translation adjustments
  • Board of Directors proposes the Annual General Meeting a dividend payment of CHF 2.00 per share (previous year: CHF 2.00 per share)

Online Annual Report 2023 (German only)
Executive Report 2023 in English

Sustainability Report 2023

The Elma Group is committed to sustainability as an important aspect of our corporate culture. In addition to success of our business activities, Elma attaches great importance to taking responsibility for our employees, caring of the environment and making a positive contribution to society. These values are in line with the principle of sustainable initiatives, which includes economic, environmental and social aspects. Management and employees assume their responsibilities.

In order to meet the increasing demands for transparency and to make our commitment more visible, Elma publishes a sustainability report. We focus our efforts on reducing CO₂ emissions, protecting and safeguarding our employees, respecting human rights (e.g. preventing child labor) and combating corruption.

The calculations of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) were conducted and validated for the first time for 2021 as the base year. Understanding current emissions is the first step in defining goals that ensure long-term environmental protection and the success of our company. We want to continue on this path, concentrating our efforts on concrete measures within the company.

We publish our sustainability report 2023, including reporting on non-financial matters in accordance with Article 964b of the Swiss Code of Obligations.

Sustainability Report 2023

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